Maria Pickering

Innovative Educator

What is educational technology?

Library Services Coordinator

Mercer Island High School

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📰MIHS Learning Commons Monthly Newsletter📰

My role includes supporting teachers' and students' ability to find and collect resources. I help students check out textbooks, novels, and how to conduct digital research. I love to work in teachers' classrooms, helping their students learn to research or create awesome projects reflecting their learning using various platforms. When I teach lessons, I also demonstrate accessibility tools that help students access learning materials and help them communicate more effectively. I am proud to be a doctoral student at Boise State University, working on research around technology and student engagement.

To learn about my previous work as an RTS

Enhancing Learning Experiences

Universal Design

for Learning

Empower learners and encourage autonomy!

Incorporate choice about:

  • what students learn

  • how students learn

  • how students show what they know


Visuals, Choice, and freedom to maneuver the resources are important qualities I consider in all of the resource collections I create or curate. They must be visually interesting, easy to maneuver, aesthetically pleasing, and contain relevant information.